Camden 4
By 2030 the Camden 4 will have successfully reimagined their shared legacy in serving the most vulnerable in society. Through working collaboratively and creatively, the Camden 4 will have established four hubs of grace which set a national exemplar of what a fit for purpose church looks like in our times. The rich heritage and stories from each of the Camden 4 will be the golden thread uniting four vibrant, accessible, inclusive and welcoming community spaces of belonging, no matter what your age or background.

St George the Martyr, Holborn
St George the Martyr was built initially as a chapel of ease between 1705 and 1706. It was enriched and strengthened by Nicholas Hawksmoor (1661-1736) in about 1718, and overhauled again by Samuel Sanders Teulon (1812-1873).
Sunday morning service takes place on Sundays at 10.30am. Weekday evening service takes place on Wednesdays at 6.30pm. Our Lead Pastor is Rev Jamie Haith.

St George’s Gardens
St George’s Gardens were developed as the burial ground for two local churches – St George the Martyr and St George’s, Bloomsbury. The land was acquired in 1713 and it was one of the first burial ground to be built away from a church. It was opened as a public garden in 1884.

Holy Cross, Cromer Street
Holy Cross was designed by Joseph Peacock (1821-1893) and completed in 1885.
Parish Mass takes place on Sundays at 11am. Weekday Masses take place on Wednesdays at 6pm and Fridays at 12.45pm. Our Parish Priest is Fr Christopher Cawrse.

St Mary the Virgin, Eversholt Street
St Mary the Virgin was designed by father and son, William Inwood (c.1771-1843) and Henry William Inwood (1794-1843), and was built between 1824 and 1827. The chancel was designed much later in 1878 by Ewan Christian (1814-1895). br Parish Mass takes place on Sundays at 11am. Weekday Masses take place Tuesdays at 11am, Thursdays at 6pm, on Fridays at 1.05pm and on Saturdays at 10am. Our Parish Priest is Fr Paschal Worton SSC.

St Mary Magdalene, Munster Square
St Mary Magdalene was designed by Richard Cromwell Carpenter (1812-1855) and completed in 1852.
Parish Mass takes place on Sundays at 11am. Holy Hour takes place on Thursdays at 1pm. Our Priest in Charge is Mthr Sally Jones.

St George the Martyr, Holborn

St George’s Gardens

Holy Cross, Cromer Street

St Mary the Virgin, Eversholt Street

St Mary Magdalene, Munster Square
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As well as for Wednesday and Sunday services, our church building is open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays from 10am-2pm for people to come in and view the art gallery. All are welcome to enjoy the space, reflect, pray, and drink tea!
44 Queen Square
We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse and adults at risk of harm.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer can be contacted at: [email protected]
020 7404 4407

Website crafted by Common Good Studio
©2023 St George’s Holborn is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1134394).The registered office is at 44 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AH.
44 Queen Square
We are committed to the safeguarding of children, young people, victims/perpetrators of domestic abuse and adults at risk of harm.
Our Parish Safeguarding Officer can be contacted at: [email protected]

Website crafted by Common Good Studio
©2023 St George’s Holborn is a charity registered in England and Wales (no. 1134394).The registered office is at 44 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AH.